NITZER EBB un nuovo album nel 2009

Lo spazio dove discutere dell’elettronica più distorta, aggressiva, asimmetrica, ruvida e bizzarra, dalla più quadrata EBM alle sue elaborazioni più ‘harsh’ sino all’IDM, partendo dai Nitzer Ebb sino agli Spetsnaz, passando poi per :Wumpscut:, Suicide Commando, Decoded Feedback, Das Ich, Hocico, per arrivare fino alle soluzioni più ricercate di Flint Glass, S.K.E.T., Enduser, Ab Ovo etc…

Moderatori: lovelorn, The Director, Telemaco33, RainDog

NITZER EBB un nuovo album nel 2009

Messaggioda Chemnitz » sab gen 24, 2009 2:19 pm

Ecco il loro comunicato:

Nitzer Ebb have their new album ready to go. We are finalizing arrangements with new partners... but still are open to considering new partners for this release. We are looking at both folks who want worldwide participation and those who are looking at US or European partnership. We have a new CD as well as DVD footage of the last world tour to include in the package. This might be unconventional to talk to the fans about... but seeing as you all are part of the Ebb family, maybe some of you have thoughts or connections that you can send our way. It's a new mellinieum and new business models are the call of the day.

Splendida notizia!! :-)
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Iscritto il: gio mar 22, 2007 3:51 pm
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Re: NITZER EBB un nuovo album nel 2009

Messaggioda ForgottenTear » sab gen 24, 2009 6:16 pm

e mi sa gli Spetnaz avranno ora meno senso di essere:P
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Iscritto il: ven mag 11, 2007 3:22 am
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